Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Still journeying...

It's been a while since I've done any updates. My online store sales have pretty much dropped to nothing. But between working a second job and cutting expenses, I've dropped my consumer debt down to about $37,000 from about $60,000 since March 2007. Currently, my spreadsheet shows I'll be debt-free in June 2013, but I'd like to do that much sooner. In order to get everything paid off by December 2011, I need to come up with another $900 per month. If I slash my expenses to the bone, I can probably get $400-$500. The rest will be a little tougher to come by...

Online stores:

Thursday, October 4, 2007

My original Debt Is Dumb page is here: http://www.umich.edu/~epickett/debtisdumb.html

I just got a domain name for my store:

Hopefully, this will help me earn extra money to pay off some debt.
I have books, CDs, DVDs, toys, home decor, and more available. Please check it out - thanks!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Starting out...

Ooh...scary. I've now officially joined the masses of people who have created a blog. I had a webpage detailing my troubles with debt and my struggle to get out. Now that I have a real blog, so I'll transfer stuff to here. Eventually...
